WBFed - Presidents Special Service Award

Presidents Special Service Award
Johnny Najjar (USA)

Previous Winners:
2015: Dr. Adam Balogh (Germany)
2014: André Martin (France)
2013: Jennifer Salinas (Bolivia)
2012: Oliver Heib & Bernhard Notar (Ger.)
2011: Dr. Humbert Furgoni (France)
2010: John Sheppard (England)
2009: Anila Qato (Albania)
- He does an excellent job and is always available for the WBF. He does it without much fanfare and is with us since the World Boxing Federation’s re-launch in 2009. We are talking about New Jersey’s Johnny Najjar, head of Masis Boxing Belts and now worthy recipient of the WBF’s Presidents Special Service award. This honor was created by WBF boss Howard Goldberg for him to personally recognize people who have made a valuable contribution to the WBF and because Najjar takes huge credit for not only designing and manufacturing our coveted, high-quality blue WBF belts, as well as providing a top professional service, it’s about time he wins this award, finally.